After thousands of years, time will have moved the wildlife of the sea, will have eroded the old coral, will have changed the tides and the land... in the time when the world changes, the big rocks become small, the living die, the volcanoes explode and the land disappears. But the water, the water lives in its immortality moving this ephemeral planet.
In this project, I study the materiality of water as well as its life and forms, connecting with ideas such as the "Blue Humanities" The resemble a way to look to the Oceans as an important axis of our existence.

Photos by Sara Mayoral -

Portrait of a Coral
Ceramics and porcelain. 2022
Under the waters of the oceans, communities of animals emerge that together eat, grow and survive. Being an essential part of the seas, 50% of them will be dead by 2030.

Portrait of Mollusks vivalbos
Ceramics and porcelain. 2022